(I meant to post this on Friday, but I didn't actually do it... Just pretend it's before Christmas and still timely)
Well, in the sense that I wrapped some presents,
not in the sense of being done with anything.
One of my happiest college memories (the first time) was when my student organization raised money by wrapping presents at Barnes and Noble for donations. It. Was. So. Much. Fun.
(I know that's weird.) I don't think I've bought traditional wrapping paper or "Christmas" ribbon in years, but I always have fun looking for substitutes. This year's wrapping is a favorite, though it did take a little finagling, especially on the kid's presents. It's all super cheap - my favorite kraft paper is actually at the dollar store in their mailing supplies section (though I got the wrapping presents bug late Wednesday after the dollar store was closed - such bad timing!) and the embroidery thread I used is only $.30 a piece if you don't have a few spare skeins lying around like I did. (If you want kraft paper and you can't find any, try the back of wrapping paper. Most are printed on that shiny white paper, but I found 3 at my grocery store printed on kraft paper, so I just used the wrong side!)

A note about doing this style (a string wrapped round and round and round): it's a lot harder to get 50 pieces of thread off a present than 2 or 3. Memories of Christmases past: "I can't unwrap this,
Stephanie!" So, I devised a plan - ok, maybe it can't exactly be called a "plan," (whatever... semantics) but this is how I did it.
1. I like to start with the primary colors; it's good to have a full range of colors, but I start with the ones I like the least. They'll be mostly covered up by the "good ones." I pretty much only try to keep the front looking straight and even - the back is a lost cause.
2. When you're wrapping the threads make sure to secure them with tape only in the middle, like so. (It'll make sense in a second, I promise!)
3 & 4. Continue with the rest of your colors, keeping white and black towards the end (I did them 3rd and 4th to last) so that they're prominent. Black and white really make colors seem more colorful. (And keep that tape in the middle!)
5. Leaving yourself a little gap, securely tape two more lines on either side of the tape you've already laid down. You're about to cut the loops of thread, so make sure these are tight and secure since they'll be the only thing holding it all together.
6. Carefully cut in the two gaps you left yourself on either side of the original tape. (Sharp scissors are useful, unlike the ancient pair of Fiskars I used)
7. Once you've cut away the middle part, you've got two piece of tape securing the thread on both ends. Reinforce those and they'll stay when you want them too but shouldn't be too hard to rip off on Christmas morning... (I said "shouldn't." Don't hold me responsible for any present entrapment casualties.)
I only did a few small ones like this, but I still used the floss for the bigger presents - just with a couple of colors.
Merry Christmas, y'all!
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