I've done quite a lot lately with the house, well, the living room mostly. I've just been bad about taking pictures. I took a bunch of pictures of my bookshelves, but they're on Hannah's camera, so I'll post about those when I'm all done.
I did get the supplies for a
bunch of projects this week, so as they get finished, I promise I'll share them.
On Wednesday, the littlest seester and I went thrifting and got some serious booty. I got a lamp, which she hated, but whatever and a side table. The table was the perfect size for my low couch (and only $8 at Savers!) and the lamp is awesome. Lemme just show you.

I like the warm wood tones and the metal legs will tie into the coffee table (if it ever gets made.). I'm trying to take in my succulents now that it's getting cold, but I love the way they look in my house so much that I'm worried I won't give them back to the porch when it's warm again. But let's take another look at that lamp, shall we?

It's a cat! (Well, some sort of feline, a panther or a leopard or something.) It gets better: hiding behind that succulent on the left is...
A baby cat! (or panther or whatever)
I'm trying to decide whether to paint it or not. I could always use more glossy white in the room, now that I have such a colorful rug, but I like the way the soft green looks with the couch. We'll see.
Yes, you read that right. I got a rug! The concrete floors are gorgeous, but come winter, they would be
freezing! This might be one of the all time great Goodwill finds for me... $25!

As soon as I get the couch's legs attached (which will be
never because I've been to Lowe's three times for different tools and I can't get them to stay on!) I'll put the rig in place. Even now, though, it makes me happy when I walk I the house.
It's all coming together, folks.
Next on the agenda, a ceiling light for the living room, giant wall art for the kitchen with Beatles lyrics, and a dozen or so of these...

Try to figure
that one out!