fine leather goods...

Thursday, September 20, 2012

I really love Parks and Rec.  I love Donna (and I love Retta's twitter).  I love Tom Haverford (I saw Aziz Anzari!)  I really love Treat Yo Self Day.  "Best day of the year!"

Here are some fine leather goods to treat yourself with.

Roll Top Tote White & Rust from Bexar.  This bag is fantastic.  I love the white and brown canvas with the gorgeous tan leather straps.  $240?  Treat yo self.
The Sachi riding boot by Ralph Lauren.  It makes me want a thoroughbred and jodhpurs and one of those funny little helmets.  You can call me Mimi.  $1,100?  Treat yo self

Sisii Military Leather Jacket from Free People.  Green-ish gray leather?  Check.  Sweet black and white polka dot pants?  Check.  Cooler-than-I'll-ever-be model?  Check.  $1,198?  Treat yo self.

High Backed Sofa from the Homestead Seattle Etsy shop.  I literally said, "I love yooooooooou." in a high-pitched whisper when this picture loaded on my screen.  Out loud.  In a public area.  $3,995?  Treat yo self.

Elbow-patch cardigan from SW3 Bespoke.  So cute.  Reminds me of my old favorite gray cardigan from Anthropologie.  (Why did I wear that cardigan so often it fell apart?  It was so pretty!)  $216?  Treat yo self.  (Not my sweater... That was much cheaper.)

Vintage tooled leather suitcase from the TrustFund 21 Etsy shop.  (Lots of cute stuff!)  I'm obsessed with all of the Mayan imagery on this bag.  If I had it, I'd take it on every airplane trip and then look down my nose at all of the boring luggage at baggage claim.  "Black Samsonite?  How practical."

I think Donna would approve if I treated myself with this.  (Story:  I googled "hot guy in leather" to find a picture for this little section.  I hit enter and then immediately started praying, "Dear God, please let me have my SafeSearch on!")

They're everywhere!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

So, evidently these painted covers are all over campus.  I'm sure they're some sort of code for maintenance, but I choose to believe it's UT's commitment to keep things trendy.  Color-blocking and neon ftw!

(Dad, that means "for the win.")

Update 2: loquacious

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


That's a good word.

stylish construction

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The pretty manhole cover I discovered on my walk from class.  The perfect neon pink and citrus orange.  So, chic, UT!

I will never look this chic

Monday, September 10, 2012

My friend Loryn turned me on to a fantastic blog, Cupcakes and Cashmere.  It's written by Emily Schuman, from LA, and she's got killer style.  I always love her outfits, but this one slays me - especially with that necklace.  It's from J. Crew and comes in a bunch of colors.  (I like the multi-colored one.  Said in the voice of Sophia Grace.)

I wanted to make a room that captured the bright white of the dress and the rustic/urban elements of the background with the gorgeous pops of orange and cognac leather.
cupcakes and cashmere inspired room
1. The Cove Sofa from John Derian might be the perfect modern white couch.  It's got clean lines but still has a bit of character.  I love the small dip from the back of the couch down to the arms.

2. The Regina Andrew scalloped wood bead chandelier mixes wood beads and weathered metal that brings to mind the colors and textures of the photo's background and her vintage clutch.

3 & 4. This Serena and Lily tan Moroccan leather pouf and vintage cognac leather chair (from somewhere random on the internet and unavailable for purchase - I'm so helpful, aren't I?) are gorgeous, but there are actually lots of easily found beat up leather chairs and ottomans in this color.  While the sleekness of this chair and the patchwork of the pouf are fantastic, the contrast between the crisp white sofa and the worn caramel leather will still work with a thrift store purchase.  (Or regular store purchase... The thrift store is just always where I end up shopping.)

5. I layered this vintage orange Turkish rug and Anthropologie's floral fresco rug for some texture.  (The Anthro rug also brings in the coral tones from the necklace.)  You could also go with a lightly patterned rug in that orange color on top of a warm wooden floor; it'd look fantastic.

6. The pop of this bright orange pillow and the burlap coral pillow bring the colors of Emily's shoes and necklace to the room.  A color that bright might be scary to some, but if you keep the fabric luxurious and textured (like a velvet or nice linen) then it doesn't veer into cheap Halloween decoration territory.

7. The Ichibad round side table grounds the space (along with those sleek, dark couch legs) and has a those gorgeous turned legs that look ornate and ambiguously "ethnic" but are still chic and modern.

8. The vintage orange glass hanging lamp brings a little bit of glamour to the room (a la that killer necklace) but I'd also like to see a big grouping of cut glass amber candle holders on the coffee table.  You have to have a little bit of sparkle in every room.

Every room.

things that I think are awesome (the avoiding studying edition)

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Isn't that every edition?

I'm loving this flickr stream from the White House.  It's mostly "behind the scenes" shots of the prez and others.  I love all the shots of Obama giving people birthday cakes (he evidently does it quite often, to White House staff or visiting dignitaries).  However you feel about politics, I don't think you can deny that Barack and Michelle obviously love each other.  This is the photo that got me started down the "thousands of pictures" rabbit hole.

Love the proud look on his face as they watch Michelle give a speech at the DNC


I've also been obsessed with this Austin version of #whatshouldwecallme called #wheninaustin.  It perfectly describes the way I feel about certain things

I don't know how to show a GIF, so I just screenshotted it.  (Is that a word? Now it is.)  Go to the website; it's way funnier as a GIF.  I especially love "When you're looking for a rental in Hyde Park, Tarrytown, or Travis Heights."


Tumblrs are hitting it out of the park this week, because I'm also loving Awesome People Hanging Out Together.  It's exactly what it sounds like: awesome people hanging out together.

Waylon Jennings and Buddy Holly

Aretha Franklin and Annie Lennox (photographed by Lynn Goldsmith)

Gene Kelly and Fred Astaire

Oprah Winfrey and Rainn Wilson


I should maybe-kinda-sorta get back to studying.

Before I leave (the food edition)

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

As some/most/few of you might know, I'm moving to the Big Apple in January.  I graduate in December and after that I'll be moving in with Evane and Hannah.  (Hannah and I live together in Austin, but she's moving up there in a month when our lease is up and Evane lives there now, going to St. John's University.)  It's scary and awesome and scary again, but I'm super excited.  I'll be looking for a job/internship with an interior designer (or firm) and I'm so excited to start doing what I love (and maybe get paid for it!)

I am not, however, excited about leaving Austin.  I love this town (and Texas!) and I'm determined to make the most of my four months left.  I thought I'd make myself a list of places I should try to go before I leave.  I'll start with food...

I want more great, fresh veggies at Eastside Cafe.  I want to try Vespaio (or Enoteca if I'm too broke.)  Same for Uchi/Uchiko.  I want frito pie at Vegan Yacht. I want BBQ at Franklin's, Salt Lick and Lambert's.  I haven't tried Barley Swine or Foreign + Domestic yet.  I want more happy hours at La Condesa and El Alma.  I need more lazy mornings and late nights at The Hideout and Epoch.

(Thank you Loryn for the beautifully instagrammed last two pictures!)

I want another P. Terry's perfect veggie burger.  I want pitchers of margaritas at Polvos. I want mexican vanilla with strawberries at Amy's Ice Cream.  Doughnuts so fattening and magical at Gordough's.  Veggie BBQ and strawberry honey lemonade at Mr. Natural.  I want pizza at Home Slice and East Side Pies.

I really want some more of that lemonade right now.

I wanna try Elizabeth St. Cafe and Noble Pig.  I've always wanted to go to Evangeline Cafe and Frank.  I never got to go to Odd Duck Farm to Trailer, because they closed.  Rude!  I've also never gone to Juan in a Million, which is weird considering how much I love breakfast tacos.  I love me some Titaya's (like more than anything in the world), but I also wanna try Thai Passion.  Why have I never been to East Side King or Olivia?

I want to have brunch at Moonshine again.  Great wine and local, fresh food at 24 Diner.  Tacos at Maudie's and Torchy's.  Breakfast at Bouldin Creek.  THE BEST FRENCH FRIES EVER!!!! at Hyde Park Grill.  Khuroos-E-Tursh at Clay Pit.  Oysters at Perla's.  Spinach dip at Magnolia's.  The chai latte at Genuine Joe's will haunt me forever.  I need more Protein 2000 at Veggie Heaven.  Calamari and killer employee discounted wine at South Congress Cafe.  Magical, vegentarianism-banishing burgers at Hopdoddy.  Late night pancakes with a good book at Kerbey Lane.

Most important and pressing issue about my move from Texas to New York:  Will they have a Shipley's there?!?!?!

That's really what I'm stressing out about.

Did I miss anything?

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