fine leather goods...

Thursday, September 20, 2012

I really love Parks and Rec.  I love Donna (and I love Retta's twitter).  I love Tom Haverford (I saw Aziz Anzari!)  I really love Treat Yo Self Day.  "Best day of the year!"

Here are some fine leather goods to treat yourself with.

Roll Top Tote White & Rust from Bexar.  This bag is fantastic.  I love the white and brown canvas with the gorgeous tan leather straps.  $240?  Treat yo self.
The Sachi riding boot by Ralph Lauren.  It makes me want a thoroughbred and jodhpurs and one of those funny little helmets.  You can call me Mimi.  $1,100?  Treat yo self

Sisii Military Leather Jacket from Free People.  Green-ish gray leather?  Check.  Sweet black and white polka dot pants?  Check.  Cooler-than-I'll-ever-be model?  Check.  $1,198?  Treat yo self.

High Backed Sofa from the Homestead Seattle Etsy shop.  I literally said, "I love yooooooooou." in a high-pitched whisper when this picture loaded on my screen.  Out loud.  In a public area.  $3,995?  Treat yo self.

Elbow-patch cardigan from SW3 Bespoke.  So cute.  Reminds me of my old favorite gray cardigan from Anthropologie.  (Why did I wear that cardigan so often it fell apart?  It was so pretty!)  $216?  Treat yo self.  (Not my sweater... That was much cheaper.)

Vintage tooled leather suitcase from the TrustFund 21 Etsy shop.  (Lots of cute stuff!)  I'm obsessed with all of the Mayan imagery on this bag.  If I had it, I'd take it on every airplane trip and then look down my nose at all of the boring luggage at baggage claim.  "Black Samsonite?  How practical."

I think Donna would approve if I treated myself with this.  (Story:  I googled "hot guy in leather" to find a picture for this little section.  I hit enter and then immediately started praying, "Dear God, please let me have my SafeSearch on!")



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