I know she wants to edit these, but I was really excited to have a better shot of my living room than my iPhone camera, so here you are...
$25 Goodwill rug. Coffee table made out of a stolen pallet from the outlet mall parking lot, a few cheap casters and a piece of plexi glass Lowe's cut to size for me. The ultimate $350 Craigslist find, my vintage Chesterfield leather sofa. My precious home-made bookshelves, full of all of my favorite books, art, and vintage trophies. (This un-edited picture doesn't show it well, but the coral pillow matches the rug perfectly. Thanks, Target!)
Ikea's ubiquitous $70 Expedit. Vintage mirrors my Granny gave me. Owl print from B. Lambert's Etsy shop; $8 people, art doesn't have to be expensive. Lots of (mostly from thrift stores and Half Price) books. $5 coffee filter/cupcake liner/thumbtack "flower" installation. Vintage needle package art in Ikea frames. (Post on those to come; they are some of my favorite artwork in the house)
(Side note: I found this picture when I was googling the Latin name for the flower. Succulents and billy buttons in a wedding bouquet? Sign me up. Cutest wedding ever.)

It's not hard to style bookshelves. Lots of books, placed horizontally and vertically, to give it interest. Art (This particular piece is a page from a calender that I framed in my good ole' standby, the Ikea Ribba.) Knick knacks; tchotchkes; things you find pretty. Whatever you call them, they don't have to be expensive. Every single thing in this shot came from a thrift store; I just pop in when I'm close to one and have a few minutes and just browse the "accessories" aisle. When I find something I like that's priced right (read, only a few dollars) I buy it and throw it in my "When I need to decorate something" box. That horse bookend was an ugly fake marble color, so I spray painted it high gloss white. The wooden artist's model was $10 at Ikea. The gold dinosaur was $.99 and is the best thing I ever placed anywhere. (I wrote that sentence and all I can hear is Peter Griffin saying, "That's the smartest thing I've heard anyone say about anything."
I love my vintage trophies. I also love paperbacks printed in the 60's. (The best cover design!) I love these two things stacked up beside each other even better.
There you are. My living room, hopefully a little prettier than you've seen it before.
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