A certain Mrs. Loryn Brooke Holloway Briscoe took my advice last week.
I posted all of the pictures from my little jaunt to the hardware store and said that I thought all of those succulents would look great on her dining room table. She called me that afternoon asking a question about planting orchids in a new flowerpot she'd bought (evidently I'm the flower expert - I love it!) and though I don't know much about them, I do love them. However, a few hours later, I got this photo...
Yeah! She took my advice and it looks fantastic. Only if everyone in my life would pay attention so well. :) (Don't you love her table and gorgeous copper tolix chairs? She knows how obsessed I am/totally jealous of her )
(P.S. I was having a blank moment and couldn't think of the name of Loryn's chair and looked on DWR's website. Of course, then I had to spend a few minutes window shopping... How gorgeous are these wishbone chairs in that coral/orange and rattan?)
hardware stores/home decor update
Monday, March 19, 2012
design ///
these things I do ///
yaya ///

you are the bestest floral advice giver ever. EVER.